China's New International Financial Strategy amid the Global Financial Crisis

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catchersun
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The Chinese Government has stepped up its drive to reconstruct its international financialstrategy after the sub-prime crisis developed into a global financial crisis in 2008. The mainaim of the strategy is to reduce the country’s dependence on the US dollar in foreign trade,cross-border capital flows and foreign exchange reserve management. The strategy can bedivided into three tiers: renminbi internationalization, regional monetary cooperation andreconstruction of the international monetary regime. So far, the Chinese Government hasfared well in the application of all three tiers. We hold that the Chinese Government shouldcontinue in the same direction in a coordinated manner despite various challenges it faces. The Chinese Government has stepped up its drive to reconstruct its international financial strategy after the sub-prime crisis developed into a global financial crisis in 2008. The mainaim of the strategy is to reduce the country’s dependence on the US dollar in foreign trade, cross-border capital flows and foreign exchange reserve management. The strategy can bedivided into three tiers: renminbi internationalization, regional monetary cooperation and reconstruction of the international monetary regime. So far, the Chinese Government hasfared well in the application of all three tiers. We hold that the Chinese Government should continue in the same direction in a coordinated manner despite various challenges it faces.
孔雀豆(Adenanthera pavonina Linn.)属含羞草科。其木材结构细致,材质硬重。心材耐腐,切面平滑光亮,材色鲜美。可供上等家具、枪托及其他美工等用。我国热带地区如海南岛,
徐峥在微博上给出了这样的阐释:“《致青春》拍出了一种扑面而来的东西,它让我甚至不敢直视,就如同‘阳光灿烂’里的马小军不敢直视米兰那锥子般的目光一样。曾几何时我们是拥有这种东西的……”  不敢直视,或许因为一种发自肺腑而又撕心裂肺的疼痛,这也是我的感觉。《致青春》里展现的是一段火热的青春,原本在爱情之花盛放的年代,这里面的每一个角色,却都有着疼痛的共识,连那位从来不知忧愁的张开,毕业后也只能孑然一身