难治性高血压(RH)是高血压诊断、治疗和预防的一个重要课题。RH通过规范测量诊室血压发现并加以确认。动态血压监测(ambulatory blood pressure monitoring,ABPM)显示被诊室血压检测认定的RH患者中,有的ABPM的血压值也高,为真性RH,有的动态血压并不高,这类患者被认为是假性RH。后者往往是由于在诊室测量血压紧张,即使充分休息,也有少部分人血压不自
Refractory hypertension (RH) is an important topic in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hypertension. RH through the standard measurement of office blood pressure found and confirmed. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, ABPM) showed that the prevalence of office blood pressure test identified RH patients, some ABPM blood pressure values are high, true RH, some ambulatory blood pressure is not high, such patients are considered to be false Sex RH. The latter is often due to measurement of blood pressure in the office, even if adequate rest, but also a small number of people not from the blood pressure