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改革开放的不断深入,青少年的思想状况发生了很大变化,给班主任工作带来了困难,故改变陈旧的教育观,变经验型班主任为科研型班主任已成为时代的呼唤,历史的必然。今年,接任初三 (5)班这个“双差”班的班主任以来,我力求超越传统观念,在求异思维中求得出路,尝试探索, With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, young people’s ideological conditions have undergone great changes, which have brought difficulties to the work of class teachers. Therefore, changing the old educational concept and changing the experience-based class teacher to become a research-based class teacher have become the call of the times and the inevitable history. This year, after taking over as the class teacher of the “Double Bad” class in the third grade (5) class, I have striven to surpass the traditional concept and seek a way out of the different thinking to try to explore.
贵州茅台2019年度全国营销商联谊会  日前,以“弘匠心、守初心、筑同心、携手共进;夯基础、扬文化、强服务、务实笃行”为主题的2019年度茅台酒全国经销商联谊会在茅台会议中心召开。来自全国近1000家茅台酒经销商代表、商超、电商渠道代表与茅台高层齐聚一堂,总结过去一年的成绩与经验,共谋2020年茅台酒市场工作。“茅台将成功实现‘千亿、千元、万亿’等历史性突破”,在2019年度茅台酒全国经销商联谊会