治理超限超载是一个世界性难题,各国政府都深深意识到超限超载车辆对交通安全、环境和道路设施的巨大危害。有专家曾形象地将超限超载车辆比喻为“掠夺性命的武器,道路设施的天敌”。为此,很多国家都采取了严格的治理措施。美国出台多部治超法律 1913年通过第一部限制车重的法律,随后又出台了多部联邦法律,对超
Overloading management is a worldwide problem, all governments are deeply aware of overloaded vehicles on traffic safety, environment and road facilities a tremendous harm. Some experts have vividly described the overloaded vehicles as “predatory weapons of life and natural enemies of road facilities.” To this end, many countries have adopted strict governance measures. The United States introduced a number of super-law law passed in 1913 the first law to limit vehicle weight, followed by the introduction of a number of federal laws, super