一、近视了,为什么要早配眼镜? 以眼睛的正常发育进程来看,10-13岁是形成近视的高峰,这正是小学至初中阶段,家长们要注意。最近一次全国学生体质健康研究的调查结果表明,小学生的近视率为22.78%。值得注意的是:有不少近视的小学生宁可眯着眼睛贴近书本看书,弄得头痛、眼痛,就是不愿戴眼镜。其实,近视了就应该早佩戴合适的眼镜。
First, myopia, and why the glasses with early? The normal development of the eye process, 10-13 years old is the formation of myopia peak, which is the primary school to junior high school, parents should pay attention. A recent national survey on student health research showed that pupils’ myopia rate was 22.78%. It is noteworthy that: There are many nearsighted pupils would rather squinting close to the book to read books, making headaches, eye pain, that is, do not want to wear glasses. In fact, myopia should wear appropriate glasses early.