Male, 41 years old, with “dilated cardiomyopathy” heart failure Ⅱ ° admission. Difficult to fall asleep because of poor stability of oral stability, the first three days after admission oral can sleep 0.2g, about 15min patients with sudden chest pain discomfort, shortness of breath. Followed by trance, slow and deep breathing, irregular rhythm, was tidal breathing. Auscultation of lungs breath sounds a little thick, unheard and rales, heart rate 120 beats / min, law Qi, heart sound low blunt apex area can be heard and sm smoke-like noise, ECG is generally normal, low blood pressure (10 / . Immediately give high-flow oxygen, static push breath stimulants and booster drugs, rescue 1h, patient consciousness gradually restored, breathing rhythm and tidy, stable blood pressure. But the patient is still in sleepy eyes.