素质教育的问题提出好几年了,省教委45号文件颁布也有一年多了,全省小学教育改革出现了前所未有的好势头。标志之一就是素质教育成了小教界的热门话题,许多有识之士在对素质教育的方法、途径进行探索、研究,也涌现出了一批以素质教育为办学宗旨、学生得到生动活泼、主动发展的先进学校。可也还有一些同志仍被升学教育缠得懵懵懂懂,不知素质教育为何物,更不知如何去搞素质教育。如果认真地读读常师附小的这一组文章,必然会从中得到启发和教育。常师附小的教改,没有中看不中用的花架子,也没有石破天惊的新理论。他们只是认认真真地学习素质教育的文件,结合本校的实际,能落实的立即落实,能做到的坚持去做,踏踏实实,日积月累,终于跳出了应试教育的窠臼,搭起了素质教育的框架,迈出了可喜的第一步。近期内去过常师附小的人,听听校领导的介绍,无不为他们务实求真的精神所感动;看着风格各异的教室和教师办公室,无不为那里素质教育的氛围所感染;再进一步深入了解一下,无不为他们取的初步成效所赞叹! 常师附小的经验告诉我们:摆脱应试教育的羁绊,走向素质教育的新天地是大有作为的!
Quality education has been put forward for several years, and the No. 45 Document of the Provincial Education Commission has been issued for more than a year. The primary education reform in the province has seen an unprecedented momentum. One of the signs is that quality education has become a hot topic in the small teaching community. Many people of insight are exploring and researching the methods and means of quality education, and a series of quality education is emerging as a principle of running a school. Students are vivid and lively , Take the initiative to develop advanced schools. There are still some comrades who are still being enrolled in tertiary education. They do not know what quality education is and I do not know how to pursue quality education. If you read this group of articles often attached to ordinary teachers, it is bound to get enlightenment and education. Normal teacher attached to the small education reform, there is no useless flower stand, nor the groundbreaking new theory. They just seriously study the quality of education documents, combined with the actual school, can be implemented immediately, can be done to do, down to earth, over time, finally jumped out of the exam-oriented education, put up a quality education Framework, has taken a gratifying first step. In the recent past, I have been to ordinary people with a small teacher and listened to the introduction of the school leaders. They all touched their spirit of pragmatism and truthfulness. When I watched the classrooms and teachers' offices with different styles, they all became infected with the atmosphere of quality education. Further in-depth understanding, all for their initial results by the admiration! Often with a small experience tells us: fetters from exam-oriented education, to the new world of quality education is a lot of work!