近年来性传播疾病(STD)在我国死灰复燃,温州地区的发病率也逐渐上升,且种类也有所增多,已引起人们的普遍关注.现将笔者1988年门诊所遇127例STD的流行病学资料分析如下. (一)一般资料本组STD有淋病36例、尖锐湿疣56例和阴虱病35例,共127例.男女之比为41.3∶1,其中淋病和阴虱病均为男性病例,尖锐湿疣男性53例,女性3例:未婚者51例,已婚者76例.患者的发病年龄分布见附表.
In recent years, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) resurgence in our country, the incidence of Wenzhou area also gradually increased, and the species also increased, has aroused widespread concern.Currently I encountered in 1988 outpatient STD epidemiological data of 127 cases The analysis is as follows: (a) General Information STD in this group, 36 cases of gonorrhea genital warts and pubis lice disease 35 cases, a total of 127 cases.The ratio of male to female was 41.3: 1, of which gonorrhea and pubis lice were male cases, Condyloma acuminatum in 53 males and 3 females: unmarried in 51 cases, married in 76 cases of patients with the onset of age distribution in the schedule.