China to Deregulate Domestic Oil and Chemical Markets after WTO Entry

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpzcz1990
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Changes will take place in the regulations forpetroleum and petrochemical market inChina after the country enters WTO.First, the exclusive rights for crude and oil productsbusinesses will no longer exist in the country. Chinahas promised that the admissio Changes will take place in the regulations for petroleum and petrochemical market inChina after the country enters WTO.First, the exclusive rights for crude and oil productsbusinesses will no longer exist in the country. Chinahas promised that the admissio
(一)加强经营管理。抓住 “云电外送”机遇,多发多供,确保完成年发电量19亿kw·h;厂用电率力争8.6%,供电煤耗力争376g/kW·h,点火稳燃用油争取年耗油2200t,发电总成本36341万元,还贷 21943万元,实现利润6600万元;安全生产不发
The year of 2000 saw thenation’s chemical industryachieving a total of 49.317 billionworth of import and export, anincrease of 25% over the previousyear (based
中国,北京,2001年7月××日:冠远古司被北京奥申委选中,利用其最新的OpenAccess解决方案,为北京奥申委赴莫斯科的工作团搭建VoIP网络,实现高质量的语音通信。 China, Beiji
As of the end of 2000,PetroChina found 293 oil fields intotal across China with the provenoil in place being 14.35 billiontons and the recoverable reservesbeing
ⅠAfter 6-year hard workingsince 1994, the Bureau ofGeophysical Prospecting (BGP)has grown its share ofinternational market out ofnothing and expanded from smal
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