一、人性解放的出发点 《十日谈》已经是一座伟大的纪念碑了。 在小说史的长河里,他是一个源泉。 在思想史的长河里,他是一座灯塔。 在人的解放的行列里,他是一位先驱。 《十日谈》的意义如此深广,但其形式本身,却是一连串妙趣横生的小故事。这些小故事,大多也并非作者薄伽丘杜撰,有的已在先人之口中流传了几百年,作家不过故事新编而已。薄伽丘安排了一个情境——1348年俄罗
First, the starting point for the liberation of humanity “Decameron” is already a great monument. He is a source in the history of fiction. He is a lighthouse in the long history of intellectual history. In the ranks of human liberation, he is a pioneer. The meaning of “Decade” is so profound, but its form itself is a series of interesting stories. Most of these anecdotes are not written by the author Boccaccio. Some have been circulated in the ancestors for centuries, but writers are no longer new to the story. Boccaccio arranged a situation - Russia in 1348