在分析中国城市出租汽车市场特点的基础上,结合实际的运营数据,采用经济学中的特征价格模型(hedonic price model,HPM)对城市出租汽车的定价问题进行研究,以车型、人均可支配收入、公交系统发展水平、出租汽车空驶率、城市出租汽车投放量、市区常住人口数、交通拥挤程度和旅游业发展水平等作为特征变量,利用特征价格理论建立出租汽车定价的模型。结合中国31个大中城市的相关数据,采用多元线性回归与最小二乘法对模型中待定参数进行估算。实例验证中,结合实际的出租汽车营运数据进行计算。研究结果表明:根据本模型对城市出租汽车进行定价,能够使出租汽车驾驶人的收入与本市城镇单位就业人员平均工资相近,可以为管理部门提供一定的决策依据。
Based on the analysis of the characteristics of China’s urban taxi market and the actual operating data, the pricing model of urban taxi is studied based on the hedonic price model (HPM) in economics. The model, per capita disposable income , The level of development of public transportation system, the vacancy rate of taxi, the amount of taxi rental in urban areas, the resident population in urban area, the degree of traffic congestion and the development level of tourism industry as characteristic variables, the pricing model of taxi is established by using characteristic price theory. Based on the data of 31 cities in China, multivariate linear regression and least square method were used to estimate the parameters to be determined in the model. Case validation, combined with the actual taxi operating data to be calculated. The results show that the pricing of urban taxi according to this model can make the income of taxi driver be similar to the average wage of urban employees in this city, which can provide some decision-making basis for management.