唐杨务廉,甚有巧思,常于沁州市内刻木作僧,手执一碗,自能求乞;碗中投钱,关键忽发,自然作声云: “布施①,布施。”市人竞观,欲其作声,施者日盈数千。又,宋庆历②中,有一术士,姓李,多巧思。尝木刻一舞钟馗(kui)③,高二三尺,右手持铁筒,以香饵置钟馗左手中,鼠缘手取食,则左手扼鼠,右手以简毙之。【注释】①布施:施舍。②庆历:宋仁宗年号。①钟馗:传说中打鬼驱邪的人。【文化常识】机械人。机械人是近代高科技的一种发明,不仅能行动,而且会处理较复杂的事,在生产、生活及科学实验中被广泛应
Tang Yang is honest and ingenious. He often scribes wood in Zhuozhou City, holding a bowl and self-seeking. In the bowl, he throws money, and the key is suddenly made. Naturally sound clouds: “Bu Shi 1, Shi Shi.” People are competing for views and wanting to make a sound. Also, Song Qing Li 2, there is a warlock, surnamed Li, many ingenuity. Taste woodcuts for a dance time (kui) 3, two or three feet high, holding the iron tube in the right hand, and the bell in the left hand with the bait, and the rat’s edge, the left hand and the right hand. 【Notes】 1 Giving: Alms. 2 Qingli: Song Renzong’s year. 1 Zhong Kui: The legendary person who fights ghosts and exorcises evil spirits. [Culture common sense] robot. Robots are an invention of modern high technology. They can not only act but also deal with more complicated matters. They are widely used in production, life, and scientific experiments.