目的:研究如何全面评估1岁以内婴幼儿的听力损失的类型及程度,探讨骨导听性脑干反应( ABR)在听力损失定性诊断的作用。方法对2756例新生儿听力筛查“未通过”的1岁以内患儿除进行常规的主观、客观听力学检测外,还应进行骨导听性脑干反应测试。结果转诊的患儿气导异常的患儿中有71%的有气骨导差;部分有气骨导差的患儿其声导抗不能呈现异常改变。结论骨导听性脑干反应潜伏期及阈值可弥补气导ABR的不足,可用于新生儿听力筛查的诊断中,中、重度听力损失的评估及听损类型的鉴别诊断。“,”[ ABSTRACT] Objective To study how to comprehensively assess the type and extent of hearing loss of infants under one year old, and probe into the qualitative diagnosis value of bone conduction auditory brainstem response ( ABR) for hearing loss.Methods 2 756 newborn infants under one year old who did not pass neonatal hearing screening received not only conventional subjective and objective audiological examination, but bone conduction auditory brainstem response test as well.Results 71% of newborn patients with air conduction abnormality had air-bone gap.The acoustic immitance of some patients with air-bone gap can not show abnormal change. Conclusion Latency and threshold of bone conduction auditory brainstem response can compensate for limitation of conventional ABR and be used in newborn hearing screening to assess moderate and severe hearing loss and complete differential diagnosis of hearing loss type.