Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

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  The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (the Centre) is Malaysia’s award-winning purpose-built AIPC(International Association of Congress Centres) Gold Standard venue. The Centre’s strategic location in the heart of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) integrated precinct combined with its flexible mind-set, innovative value-add solutions and customised offerings make it the perfect business events partner of choice.
  The well-maintained and world-class facility offers 20,059 sqm of flexible function space, including two auditoria; 3000-seat Plenary Hall and Plenary Theatre for 470; a Grand Ballroom which seats 2,000 diners, Banquet Hall for 500, three Conference Halls, five Exhibition Halls(9,710 sqm of column-free exhibition space on a single level) and 23 meeting rooms.
  Overlooking the iconic PETRONAS Twin Towers and 50-acre KLCC Park, delegates and visitors attending events at the Centre are spoilt for choice given the varied and exciting range of recreational, entertainment, food & beverage and accommodation options, with over 25,000 hotel rooms (budget to 5-star properties) within the 100-acre ‘city within a city’ KLCC development. The precinct infrastructure also provides excellent accessibility and connectivity, with the majority of attractions within a comfortable 5 to 10-minute walk via covered airconditioned walkways from the Centre.
  The Centre’s expansion continues to move ahead. The extension will provide an additional 10,000sqm of flexible and multi-purpose space, which means more room to comfortably accommodate larger exhibitions and international association meetings, as well as concurrent events, and the opportunity for many current clients to grow their activities and/or events significantly.
  The increase of the Centre’ event space will not only benefit our loyal group of recurrent clients, but will also enhance Kuala Lumpur’s growing reputation as a premier business events destination locally, regionally and internationally. (www.klccconventioncentre.com)
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