Environmental trade measures adopted for environmental purposes have increasingly become one of the major measures taken by the international community to promote environmental protection. A series of international conferences or multilateral environmental agreements adopted or formulated by international organizations have directly or indirectly involved international trade and have provided some measures to restrict the import and export trade. One of the purposes of the MTS is to promote the principle of free trade and fair trade. However, environmental trade measures stipulated in multilateral environmental agreements are often contrary to this purpose. In particular, when some countries adopt such measures in accordance with the provisions of multilateral environmental agreements , Intentionally or unintentionally to circumvent international obligations, to protect the realm of environmental protection and to act in the realm of trade protection, and thus directly impact the cornerstone of the multilateral trading system. Therefore, how to coordinate and handle the relationship between the basic principles of the multilateral trade system and environmental trade measures has become an urgent task for the international community.