Particle swarm optimization algorithm for partner selection in virtual enterprise

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqian728
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Partner selection is a fundamental problem in the formation and success of a virtual enterprise.The partner selection problem with precedence and due date constraint is the basis of the various extensions and is studied in this paper.A nonlinear integer program model for the partner selection problem is established.The problem is shown to be NP-complete by reduction to the knapsack problem,and therefore no polynomial time algorithm exists.To solve it efficiently,a particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm is adopted,and several mechanisms that include initialization expansion mechanism,variance mechanism and local searching mechanism have been developed to improve the performance of the proposed PSO algorithm.A set of experiments have been conducted using real examples and numerical simulation,and have shown that the PSO algorithm is an effective and efficient way to solve the partner selection problems with precedence and due date constraints. Partner selection is a fundamental problem in the formation and success of a virtual enterprise. The partner selection problem with precedence and due date constraint is the basis of the various extensions and is studied in this paper. A nonlinear integer program model for the partner selection problem is established. The problem is shown to be NP-complete by reduction to the knapsack problem, and therefore no polynomial time algorithm exists. To solve it efficiently, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is adopted, and several mechanisms that include initialization mechanism, variance mechanism and local searching mechanism have been developed to improve the performance of the proposed PSO algorithm. A set of experiments have been conducted using real examples and numerical simulation, and have shown that the PSO algorithm is an effective and efficient way to solve the partner selection problems with precedence and due date constraints.
摘 要:大学生活对于每一个大学生来说,都是非常宝贵的。经过大学四年的学习、生活和历练,每个人都会学习到不同的内容,经历到不同的境遇,所以,同样的四年,每个人的内容却是不同样的。有的同学善于规划,并且能结合自己的兴趣,将学习、生活和以后的职业规划得很好,既不耽误工作,也不耽误生活。但是也有一些同学的大学生活却在碌碌无为中度过。因而,做好职业生涯规划是很重要的,规划之前的兴趣探索更加重要。  关键词:
摘 要:现代社会属于信息经济时代,信息量空前庞大。对于大学而言,图书馆情报职能滞呆问题直接影响到图书馆的服务水平与发展步伐,本文阐述了改善大学图书馆情报职能滞呆问题的意义,并深入探讨了解决情报职能滞呆问题的途径。  关键词:大学图书馆;情报职能;滞呆;意义;途径  作者简介:张梦慈(1983-),女,湖南怀化人,助教,学士学位,研究方向:图书管理。  [中图分类号]:G25 [文献标识码]:A [
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