Male patient, 4 years old. Due to fever for 9 days, neck lymph nodes, bilateral parotid gland enlargement, had been diagnosed as “mumps”, “cervical lymphadenitis”, the antibiotic treatment is invalid, found in the course of two conjunctival hyperemia, chapped lips, extremities Hard to swollen, toe (finger) A brittle, red tongue, was Bayberry tongue, auscultatory heart tachycardia, test: erythrocyte sedimentation rate 77mm / h, white blood cells 26.8 × 10P / L. According to the above clinical manifestations diagnosed as Kawasaki disease. Right heart ultrasound examination, ultrasound findings: the location of the left and right coronary origin, the diameter of the left coronary artery opening 25mm, the main expansion of 59mm, the left anterior descending branch was tumor-like dilatation, the widest point of the inner diameter of 70mm, the diameter of the right coronary artery opening 29mm, the trunk was tumor-like expansion, the widest point diameter