甘肃工业大学是坐落在中国地理中心兰州的一所综合性工业大学。焊接教学和科学研究室是一个迅速发展的室,每年招收70多名本科生和研究生。目前该室已形成4个研究方向,并具有相应的系列研究设备:1.焊接区韧性研究方向,具有Thermoresto-W 焊接
Gansu Polytechnic University is a comprehensive industrial university located in Lanzhou, a geographical center of China. Weld Teaching and Science Laboratory is a rapidly evolving room enrolling more than 70 undergraduates and graduate students each year. At present, the room has formed four research directions, and has a corresponding series of research equipment: 1. Research direction of the toughness of the weld zone, with Thermoresto-W welding