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高速铁路系统,是相对于传统铁路系统而言的一种用高科技支撑的新型铁路运输系统.在传统铁路线上,即便是特快列车,平均时速也只有60—90公里,而高速铁路线上的列车,时速平均在200—300公里,最高可达400公里以上. 据有关专家分析,从现在起到21世纪初,地面交通运输将由现在主要依靠汽车,逐步转向以火车运输为主.其原因,汽车虽然方便,但它排放的大量废气会给环境带来不良影响。其次,是为了避免对石油资源的浪费。据悉,全球的石油资源大约还能利用150—200年.再者,石油在工业方面有极其广泛的应用价值,大量石油单纯被用于汽车发动机和火力发电燃烧,实在可惜. The high-speed railway system is a high-tech new railway transportation system relative to the traditional railway system, where the average speed of even the express train is only 60-90 km on the traditional railway line, while on the high-speed railway line Of the trains, an average speed of 200-300 km, up to 400 km or more.According to experts, from now until the beginning of the 21st century, ground transportation will now rely mainly on cars, and gradually shift to the main train transport. Although the car is convenient, it emits a lot of emissions will have a negative impact on the environment. Second, to avoid wasting oil resources. It is reported that the world’s oil resources can also be used about 150-200 years.Moreover, the oil in the industry has an extremely wide range of applications, a large number of oil simply used for car engines and thermal power combustion, it is a pity.
房价好像离垮的时间不会太远了,我认为这是一件好事情。出来混迟早要还的,违背经济规律和社会正义的东西,一定逃不掉后者的报复。即使有强大的拯救者,也只是在拖延被报复的时间,和积累被报复的强度。  但因为这件事,我和一个朋友发生了争论。  我的这位初中校友,出身于农村家庭,读大学,再打拼,现在在上海开一家小公司。在阶层地位上,他上升了3个阶层,从社会下层的中层,升到中产阶层的中层。  这个攀爬社会阶层的