Proof, male, 30 years old. Due to unstable walking, diplopia, unclear articulation 4 years admission. Past physical health. Physical examination: Consciousness, slow words, nasal sounds, ataxia gait. Horizontal nystagmus, no K-F ring, the two eyes, lateral motion limited. Center the uvula, soft palate movement and normal pharyngeal reflex. Neck soft, no abnormal heart and lung, no scoliosis, arch foot. Normal limb muscle strength, muscle tension increased, no intention or rest tremor. Extremity tendon hyperreflexia, ankle, knee clonus (+). Bilateral Huffman sign (+), both lower extremity pathological reflex (+). Shallow, deep feel and physical feel normal. Finger nasal test (+), with the knee shin test (+), closed eyes refractory (+). Cerebrospinal fluid routine, biochemical, cytology normal, oligoclonal bands