What Do I Need to Learn in the Next Two Years to Be Well Prepared to Teach?

来源 :中学生英语·外语教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bonkoliu
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  【Abstract】 I will be a teacher in two years later and I really want to be a qualified teacher. Most good teachers are made, not born. They hone their skills in their everyday lives. This paper will tell you what I need to learn to be well prepared to teach.
  【Key words】 teacher teach knowledge skill personal qualities
  I have ever heard that “While an educator directly impacts young minds, the more subtle effects of a good teacher stretch beyond the boundaries of a classroom and past the hands of time”. Just as Henry Adams put it, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” However, being a good teacher is not easy. Contrary to popular belief, most good teachers are made, not born. They hone their skills in their everyday lives. For me, I will be a teacher in the future. I believe teaching will be one of the great loves and I want to be a qualified teacher. But which should I cultivate? How do I get students to follow? And what do I need to learn in the next two years to be well prepared to teach?
  The first and most important aspect is that I should study hard and acquire more information and knowledge. Just as the saying goes, “Knowledge is power.”Only in this way can I pave the way for the cause of education. First, I should have a good command of English. In other words, I should be expert in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, among which speaking is the most significant. I will set a good example for my students and then they will learn from me and learn English hard. Second, I should master technical and technological knowledge. Technical and technological knowledge will take on greater importance in the future. There will be a growing need for teachers who can understand and fix systems. Third, I should acquire the wide knowledge of techniques for preparing lessons, teaching concepts, classroom management as well as philosophy, psychology, culture, history and geography. Only in this way can I be an all-round teacher. From what I have mentioned above, we may safely draw a conclusion that a qualified teacher should acquire knowledge as much as she or he can. So I will spare no effort to acquire more knowledge in the next two years.
  Another equally important aspect is that I need to learn some skills. First, I should learn how to organize classroom and students. Ability to organize will definitely be important in the school. Second, I need to learn persuasive skills. Persuasive skills will be used in many ways. The most effective teachers will be those who know how to present information and ideas so that their students can understand and support a particular position. Third, I should develop my communication skills. Careful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking, and accurate description will be invaluable. For instance, when my students complain that the exam is too hard, I should have communication skills to explain the advantages to my students. Communication failure may well influence the feeling between teachers and students. In a word, it is vital to have above-mentioned skills if we want to be a good teacher. So apart from acquiring knowledge, I need to learn these skills.   Last but not least, I should pay attention to cultivating personal qualities. First, be full of love. An excellent teacher must have great love. That is to say, a teacher should love all the students no matter whether the students are clever or clumsy. As the old saying goes, “Love is to education what water is to fish”. Second, be generous. I must be generous to give credit to my students. Many teachers note that giving credit is more effective than even constructive criticism, which always hurts students than helps. Third, be trustful. The teacher who writes individual notes of encouragement to students can lead them to extraordinary heights. Having faith in someone gives him self-confidence and pleasure. Probably, the teachers with these personal qualities will attract students and be liked by them.
  In conclusion, to be a good teacher is difficult. But I should bear it in mind that as long as I am a teacher, I have the responsibility to try my best to be a good teacher. In the next two years, I will spare no effort to acquire more knowledge, learn some skills and pay attention to cultivating personal qualities. Only in this way can I make good preparation for my teaching.
  I believe I can be a good teacher!I can do it!
  [1] Henry Adams. The Education of Henry Adams[M]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000.
  [2] 杨贵新、杨玉宝. 教师专业化与教师专业素质发展[M]. 东北师范大学出版社, 2002.
  [3] 王振宏、李彩娜等. 教育心理学[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2011.
近年来中考英语完形填空题常考查哲理性记叙文。这种记叙文以提供哲理并引导人们健康生活为目的,以记叙感人事例为手段。它能给人以真情的体验、精神的洗礼和智慧的启迪,教人坚强、劝人自信、促人自强。本文以徐州市2013年中考英语完形填空题为例谈谈哲理性完形填空题的解题方法。  一、利用首节对哲理的介绍推断未知信息  为了亮出观点,表明写作目的,体现文章的主旨大意和主题思想,哲理性完形填空题多在文首提供哲理。
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议论文是近几年各地英语阅读理解题目中新出现的体裁,在各地期中、期末、甚至中考的阅读题中所占比重不是太大,但是学生要想较好地完成它,还是有一定的难度。因此,笔者将在这里剖析议论文的命题特点和解题方法来帮助学生多得分、少失分。  议论文说理性强,语言庄重,逻辑缜密,常用难词、长词和复杂句,这都给我们的阅读理解带来一定难度。议论文一般有论点、论据和论证三个要素。论点是议论文的核心,即中心思想,是论据和论