短篇小说《中国旅行计划》是美国先锋派文学的首领人物之一苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag)在70年代发表的短篇小说集《我等之辈》中的第一篇,是桑塔格为数不多的短篇小说中重要的一篇,同时也是桑塔格艺术风格成熟时期的力作。小说中作者深邃的中国情缘是通过其新颖奇特的文体技巧体现出来的。小说的整体结构,叙事手法,句段运用,语言修辞等方面都使人耳目一新。从文体角度分析这一短篇小说,从而使读者在进一步欣赏这一作品独特的文体的同时能够更深入理解并体会作者深深的中国情缘及作品的深层涵义。
Short story “China Travel Plan” is one of the leading figures in the United States avant-garde literature Susan Sontag (published in the 70’s short story collection, “my other generation” in the first, One of the few short stories in the genre is also a masterpiece of the maturity of Sontag’s artistic style. The author’s profound Chinese love in the novel is reflected through his novel and unique stylistic skills. The overall structure of the novel, narrative techniques, the use of paragraphs, language rhetoric and other aspects are refreshing. This short story is analyzed from the stylistic point of view so that when the reader further appreciates the unique stylistic features of the work, he can understand and understand the author’s deep sense of Chinese love and the deep meaning of the work.