借助覆盖能力强,性能稳定可靠,不受地理条件限制, 机动灵活等特点,卫星通信依旧是IP数据网络到Internet骨干网连接的最灵活与最便捷的方法之一;而在船只或飞行器上的网络系统,卫星更是惟一的手段。在人口稀疏、地域广阔,或是地面基础通信设施建设欠发达地区,卫星通
With the characteristics of strong covering capability, stable and reliable performance, no geographical restriction and flexible maneuver, satellite communication is still one of the most flexible and convenient methods for connecting an IP data network to an Internet backbone network. However, on a ship or an aircraft Network system, satellite is the only means. In the sparsely populated, vast areas, or ground-based communications facilities in less developed areas, satellite communications