加强银警合作 增进情感共建

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近日,农行北京朝阳支行深入武警北京某支队开展银警共建活动。该行员工为部队官兵提供了金融产品宣传及咨询,赠送了诚意满满的慰问品,随后与部队官兵进行了一场篮球友谊赛。赛场上,双方队员们本着“友谊第一,比赛第二”的精神,团结协作、奋力拼搏、挥洒汗水。比赛后半段,武警支队政委亲自披挂上阵,与队员们切磋技艺,比赛在友好热烈的气氛中圆满结束。此次银警共建活动得到了部队首长的好评,加深了农行员工与武警官兵的友谊,树立了良好的社会形象。 Recently, ABC Beijing Chaoyang Branch in-depth armed police detachment in Beijing to carry out joint construction activities of the police. The staff of the bank provided financial products publicity and advice to officers and soldiers of the armed forces, presented sincere condolences, and then conducted a basketball friendly match with the officers and soldiers of the armed forces. In the arena, the team members of both parties, in the spirit of “friendship first, competition second”, unite and work hard, sweat. In the latter half of the competition, the Political Commissar of the Armed Police Detachment personally took part in the battle and learned the skills from the team members. The contest was successfully concluded in a friendly and warm atmosphere. The co-construction activities of the police were well received by the head of the army, deepened the friendship between the staff of Agricultural Bank of China and armed police officers and set a good social image.
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