内容概述单项式和多项式统称整式.像4x,ab,x3,-n它们都是数与字母的积,这样的代数式叫做单项式.特别地,单独的一个数或一个字母也是单项式. 几个单项式的和叫做多项式。 由以上概念可知,对于某些有理数运算,多项式的化简,条件求值都是有关整式的运算.要想使整式的运算简捷、明快,就需要采用一些变形,现介绍几种常用的变形技巧. 典型例题 例题所用知识仅限于初一年级学生上学期学过的知识
Content Overview Monomials and polynomials are collectively called integers. Like 4x, ab, x3, -n they are the product of numbers and letters. Such algebraic expressions are called monomials. In particular, a single number or letter is also a monomial. Sum of several monomials Called polynomials. From the above concepts, we can see that for some rational arithmetic operations, polynomial simplification, and conditional evaluation are all related to integer operations. To make the whole operation simple and clear, you need to adopt some transformations. Now introduce several common deformation techniques. The knowledge of the typical example questions is limited to what the first-year students learned during the last semester.