这些日子我老是情不自禁地哼哼“比什么都快乐……”后来一打听,知道歌的名字叫《年轻的朋友来相会》。“年轻的朋友在一起呀,比什么都快乐……”我不是年轻人,也没有和年轻的朋友去相会,怎么总是不知不觉哼哼起它来呢,自己也感到有些莫名其妙,可细一想,也不是一点原因没有。 前几年,看到部门里年纪轻一点的同事陆陆续续配备了数码相机,我非常眼馋。人家有香港回归,十五大、
These days I always can not help hum “more than anything else happy ... ...” Then a call, know the song’s name is “young friends to meet.” “Young friends together, happy than anything else ... ...” I am not a young man, nor a friend with young people to meet, how to always unknowingly humming it, I feel somehow, may A closer look, nor is it because there is no reason. A few years ago, when I saw younger colleagues in my department gradually equipped with digital cameras, I was very envious. People return to Hong Kong, the 15th National Congress,