品牌故事:“CONTES DE RAPA”的寓意是用充满希望和幸福的感觉,来缓解现代消费者来源于日益快节奏的社会生活的巨大压力,同时希望这个承载着许多美好故事的品牌能将消费者引入精神世界的丛林,尽情感受清新时尚的空气。大连,RAPA,With star,韩国众明星尽捧哈韩一族,明星的光彩随着RAPA在大连街头闪耀。作为进驻中国的前哨旗舰店,RAPA将韩国年轻一代尽情追逐时尚风采的飓风带入中国。于是,在这个夏季,你能感觉到潮流中彰显着的古典,时尚里蕴含着的温和。
Brand story: “CONTES DE RAPA ” is the meaning of hope and happiness with a sense of ease, to alleviate the modern consumers come from the tremendous pressure of social life in a fast-paced pressure, at the same time hope that this bear a lot of good stories of the brand can Consumers to the jungle of the spiritual world, enjoy the fresh and fashionable air. Dalian, RAPA, With star, South Korean stars dozen Han and Han dynasties, the luster of the stars with the RAPA shine in the streets of Dalian. As a sentinel flagship stationed in China, RAPA brings the younger generation of South Korea to chase fashionable hurricanes into China. So, in this summer, you can feel the trend of classical culture manifested in the mild fashion contains.