枪炮声已不在我们的耳畔轰隆,战火硝烟已不在我们的疆土弥漫,今日之中国,国泰民安、富强繁荣、歌舞升平……我们品味着和平的幸福。当您享受着和平给予的快乐时,您曾否想起千千万万为国捐躯的英烈,曾否缅怀、曾否思念、曾否感激革命先烈?!和平鸽放飞的日子,您不要忘记中华民族百年耻辱,不要忘记长眠的英烈。因为,近有我驻南大使馆遭袭击的事件,有南中国海上空响起的撞机声;远有美国“9·11”事件的惊爆声,美在阿富汗打响的反恐怖主义战争;今又有巴以冲突在中东爆发…… 守望和平,更需要国防强大;守望和平,更要缅怀英烈!
The gunshots are no longer on our shores. The smoke of war has disappeared in our territory. Today, China, the peace and prosperity, the prosperous prosperity, the peaceful singing and dancing ... we enjoy the happiness of peace. Have you ever remembered, when you remembered the heroism of thousands of millions of people who sacrificed their lives for your country when you enjoyed the joy of peace? Have you ever wondered if you were grateful to the revolutionary martyrs! Peace dove flying day, you do not forget the Chinese nation a hundred years of shame, do not forget the long-standing hero. Because of the recent attack on my embassy in South China, there was a plane crash that sounded in the sky over the South China Sea. As far afield as the shock of the U.S. “9 · 11” incident and the war on terrorism launched by the United States in Afghanistan, The Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out in the Middle East ... ... watch for peace, but also need a strong national defense; watch the peace, but also cherish the memory of the martyrs!