榆透翅蛾(Synanthedon sp) 是榆树的危险性蛀干害虫,国内外尚无报道。近年来该虫在银川地区榆树上严重发生,银川市新市区榆树受害率达100%。为了有效地控制害虫为害,确保榆树健壮生长,我们对榆透翅蛾的形态特征和生物学习性进行了观察,并根据初步试验,提出了防治意见。一、形态特征成虫体长11-14.1毫米,翅展17-24毫米,蓝黑色,具有金属光泽。触角丝状,雌虫触角基部腹面黄白色,端部有一束毛;雄虫触
Synanthedon sp. Is a dangerous stem borer of the elm, which has not been reported at home and abroad. In recent years, the insects occurred severely on the elm trees in Yinchuan, and the damage rate of elm trees in the new urban areas of Yinchuan reached 100%. In order to effectively control pests and ensure robust growth of Ulmus, we observed the morphological characteristics and biological behavior of Ulmus elata, and proposed the prevention and treatment opinions according to the preliminary experiments. First, morphological characteristics Adult body length 11-14.1 mm, wingspan 17-24 mm, blue-black, with a metallic luster. Antenna filamentous, female tentacles base yellowish white ventral, ends with a bunch of hair; male touch