小肠淋巴管瘤是非常罕见的小肠良性肿瘤,每12000个出生者发生1例[1],小肠多发性淋巴管瘤更为罕见。目前,国内外相关文献多以个案报道为主,大宗报道较少[2,3]。1材料与方法1.1临床资料患者男性,61岁。黑便伴头晕、乏力3月余。查体:呈贫血貌,未触及肿大淋巴结,腹软、无压痛及反跳痛,肝脾肋下未触及。实验室检查:血红蛋白57 g/L,便潜血(+)。腹部CT未见明确异常。胃肠镜未见明显病变。遂行双气囊小肠镜检查,见小肠内弥漫分布大小不等的
Small intestinal lymphangioma is a very rare benign tumor of the small intestine, occurring in 1 in 12,000 births [1]. Multiple lymphangiomas of the small intestine are more rare. At present, the relevant literature at home and abroad mostly case reports, less mass reports [2,3]. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data Patients Male, 61 years old. Black with dizziness, fatigue more than 3 months. Examination: anemia appearance, did not touch the enlarged lymph nodes, abdominal soft, no tenderness and rebound tenderness, liver and spleen ribs did not touch. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 57 g / L, then occult blood (+). Abdominal CT no clear abnormalities. No obvious lesions of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Carry out double balloon enteroscopy, see the diffuse distribution of the size of the small intestine