Cell adhesion molecule (CAM) plays a key role in the inflammatory response. Selectins, integrins and immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily adhesion receptors mediate the different stages of leukocyte migration from the bloodstream to the site of inflammation. Activated endothelial cells can promote the expression of cell adhesion molecules and trigger the reaction of endothelial cells with leukocytes. Selectins work (entangle or roll) during the initial interaction of leukocytes with active endothelial cells, whereas the integrins and Ig superfamily CAMs make these cells stick and promote their exudation. During the rolling process, leukocytes are activated by intracellular signals produced by CAMs and chemically activated receptors. Therefore, blocking CAM function or its expression has become a new approach to the treatment of inflammatory diseases. There are a variety of drugs (such as Asi