全国农村教育工作会议的召开,标志着农村基础教育迎来一个千载难逢的发展机遇。作为一名农村贫困地区的基础教育工作者,我倍感振奋和鼓舞,同时,又为农村基础教育的现状深感忧虑和困惑。我认为,全面贯彻落实全国基础教育工作会议和全国农村教育工作会议精神,必须高度重视,切实解决好制约农村基础教育发展的瓶颈问题。 一、投入不足,债务沉重,学校运转难维持 农村税改之前,教育投入除财政拨款外,乡镇教育费附加和集资(以笔者所在乡镇为例),大约年生均70元,主要用于学校校舍建设和危房改造。学校办公经费从学生报名费中结余一部分,年生均200元左右,基本保证义务教育的运转。实行“一费制”后,取消了农村教
The convening of the National Rural Education Work Conference marked a rare opportunity for development in rural basic education. As a basic education worker in a poor rural area, I am very excited and encouraged. At the same time, I am deeply worried and confused about the status quo of rural basic education. In my opinion, to fully implement the spirit of the National Conference on Basic Education Work and the National Conference on Rural Education, we must attach great importance to effectively solve the bottleneck problem that restricts the development of rural basic education. I. Insufficient investment, heavy debts, and difficulty in maintaining the school’s operation before the rural tax reform. Educational investment In addition to financial appropriations, township and township education surcharges and fund-raising (in the author’s township as an example), approximately 70 yuan per year, are mainly used in school buildings. Construction and renovation of dangerous buildings. The school office fund is a part of the student registration fee, and the average annual salary is about 200 yuan, basically guaranteeing the operation of compulsory education. After implementing the “one fee system,” rural education was cancelled.