进行了表面活性剂 /碱段塞岩心驱替实验 ,分析了不同阶段采出水中碱、表面活性剂的浓度 ,并且监测了油 /水界面张力的变化。结果表明 ,存在混合表面活性剂的色谱分离现象 ,且该现象对油 /水界面张力有一定影响。实验发现 :表面活性剂 /碱段塞驱替后 ,吸附滞留在岩心孔隙中的表面活性剂能够解吸回后续注入水中 ,并且解吸的过程持续了很长一段时间。虽然 ,解吸回后续注入水中的表面活性剂浓度很低 ,但在一定的碱浓度下 ,可以得到超低油 /水界面张力值。岩心驱替实验结果显示 ,通过解吸的表面活性剂和碱之间的协同作用 ,加碱的后续水驱可在原碱 /表面活性剂段塞驱的基础上提高采收率 13%。因此 ,利用含有解吸表面活性剂的后续水驱可以提高化学驱的驱油效率 ,降低驱油成本
The surfactant / caustic plug core flooding experiments were carried out. The concentrations of alkali and surfactant in the produced water were analyzed. The changes of the interfacial tension at the oil / water interface were also monitored. The results showed that there was a phenomenon of chromatographic separation of the mixed surfactants, and the phenomenon had some influence on the oil / water interfacial tension. It was found that surfactant / caustic plug displacement, the adsorption of surfactant remaining in the core pores can be desorbed and subsequently injected into the water, and the desorption process lasted for a long time. Although the concentration of surfactant desorbed back into the water is very low, ultra-low oil / water interfacial tension can be obtained at a certain alkali concentration. Core flooding experiments show that subsequent synergistic addition of desorbed surfactant and base can result in a 13% recovery of subsequent recovery based on caustic / surfactant plugging. Therefore, the use of subsequent water flooding with desorption surfactants can increase the flooding efficiency of chemical flooding and reduce flooding costs