近20年来人们逐渐认识到,肺功能已不单纯限于气体交换,它具有非常广泛的代谢功能,参与许多生物活性物质的合成、释放和代谢。后者虽不直接参加气体交换,却为维持肺的呼吸功能所不可缺少,并参与肺循环的调节。 一些生物活性物质对肺循环影响较大,组织胺是其中重要介质之一。慢性肺心病由于其基础病变在肺,必然导致其代谢功能的紊乳,造成某些生物活性物质浓度的改变,并参与肺心病的病理生理过程。关于这方面资料,国内报告的不多。我们观察了慢性肺心病病人尿中组织胺含量的变化,以间接揭示出肺中组织胺的变化。
Over the past two decades, people have come to realize that lung function is not limited to gas exchange. It has a very wide range of metabolic functions and is involved in the synthesis, release and metabolism of many bioactive substances. Although the latter does not directly participate in gas exchange, it is indispensable for maintaining the respiratory function of the lungs and is involved in the regulation of pulmonary circulation. Some bioactive substances have a greater impact on pulmonary circulation, histamine is one of the important media. Chronic pulmonary heart disease due to its underlying disease in the lung, will inevitably lead to the metabolism of its function of the milk, resulting in changes in the concentration of certain bioactive substances, and participate in the pathophysiology of pulmonary heart disease. There are not many domestic reports on this information. We observed changes in urinary histamine levels in patients with chronic cor pulmonale to indirectly reveal histamine changes in the lungs.