人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)具有高度的种属特异性,人类的皮肤黏膜是其天然宿主,HPV和其他病毒一样,通过整合到宿主细胞的细胞核内发挥其致病作用,但HPV感染有自限性,90%感染HPV的女性可以自愈。HPV可分为嗜皮肤类和嗜黏膜类,引起宫颈癌的主要是嗜黏膜类,目前的研究已表明嗜黏膜高危型主要是HPV16/18,并证
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is highly species-specific and human skin mucosa is its natural host. HPV, like other viruses, exerts its pathogenic role by integration into the nucleus of host cells, but HPV infection Self-limiting, 90% of women infected with HPV can heal themselves. HPV can be divided into addicted skin and mucosal class, causing cervical cancer is mainly mucosal class, the current study has shown that high-risk type of mucosa is mainly HPV16 / 18, and evidence