美国现任副总统戈尔先生非常热心于世界电信事业的发展。1994年他提出建设“全球信息高速公路”的设想。此后,他先后三次在国际电联(ITU)会议上发表演讲:第一次是飞行8000公里从美国白宫到阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯向ITU大会作实地演说;第二次是在日本的京都通过卫星向会议作电视讲话,并邀请ITU下届会议到美国举行。 1998年10月12日,由来自世界各国的1200名代表参加的ITU全会在美国明尼阿波利斯城会议中心举行,戈尔先生在会议开幕式上发表演讲,提出了电信业面临的五大挑战,并将其描述为“相互依存的数字时代之宣言”。本文是戈尔先生讲话内容的编译。戈尔先生掌握大量的统计资料,演讲内容丰富生动,有些观点颇为新颖,当然其中难免带有资本主义社会意识形态的东西和美国人的价值观念,望读者注意摒弃糟粕,吸取其精华。
Mr. Gore, the current Vice President of the United States, is very enthusiastic about the development of telecommunications in the world. In 1994, he proposed the idea of building a “global information superhighway.” Since then, he has delivered three speeches at ITU conferences: the first was a flight of 8,000 kilometers from the White House in the United States to the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, for a solid speech to the ITU General Assembly; the second was in Japan Kyoto made a televised address to the conference via satellite and invited the next ITU session to the United States. On October 12, 1998, a plenary session of the ITU, attended by 1,200 delegates from all countries in the world, was held at the Minneapolis Convention Center in the United States. Mr. Gore made a speech at the opening ceremony and proposed five major challenges facing the telecommunications industry And described it as a “declaration of the interdependent digital age.” This article is a compilation of Mr. Gore’s speech. Mr. Gore holds a great deal of statistics. His speech is rich and vivid. Some of the ideas are quite new. Of course, there are inevitably some things with capitalist social ideology and American values. We hope readers will not abandon dross and absorb the essence of it.