银糖槭(Aeer Sacchrinam Linn),原产北美州,集中分布在大湖林区、圣劳伦斯河流域,是落叶大乔木,成年树高30—40公尺,胸径70—100厘米。银糖械树液经浓缩即成糖浆,械糖浆约含85%的蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖,可取糖浆五十年以上。银糖槭的寿命可长达四、五百年,其生长速度与法国梧桐相当,树干通直高大,木材纹理美观,适于作室内装饰板材、运动器材、钢琴琴板、玩具等用材。深秋季节其树叶变红,
Aeer Sacchrinam Linn, native to North America, is concentrated in the Great Lakes Region and the St. Lawrence River Basin. It is a deciduous tree with an adult tree height of 30-40 meters and a diameter of 70-100 cm. Silver sugar tree liquid by syrup that syrup, mechanical syrup containing about 85% of sucrose, glucose, fructose, desirable syrup more than 50 years. Silver sugar maple life of up to four or five hundred years, its growth rate and France Sycamore, tree trunk straight tall, beautiful wood texture, suitable for interior decoration plates, sports equipment, piano piano, toys and other timber. The autumn season its leaves turn red,