从一九六○年起,我学习毛主席著作从未间断,先后重点学习了四十多篇,写了五十三篇心得,做了六万多字的摘录笔记。我是二百字起家的人,原有文化水平很低。现在担任校长,每周教十二节课,时间很紧,加之身体不好,坚持学习是感到有些困难的。然而,我没有向困难低头。《愚公移山》,我读了一遍又一遍,边读边想:老愚公有志搬掉大山,我是共产党员,连这点困难都克服不了吗? 毛主席教导我们说:“重要的问题在善于学习”,“……我们必须学会自已不懂的东西……钻进去,几个
Since 1960, I have studied the book of Chairman Mao without interruption, successively studied more than 40 articles, wrote 53 articles, and took over excerpts of over 60,000 words. I am a man of two hundred words, the original level of education is very low. Now serving as principal, teaching twelve classes a week, time is tight, coupled with poor health, insisted on learning is feeling some difficulties. However, I did not bow to the difficulties. I read it over and over again, reading and thinking: Old folly is willing to remove the mountains, I am a communist, even this difficulty can not be overcome? Chairman Mao taught us: “The important issues are good at Learn, ”" ... we have to learn what we do not understand