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信息化是我国加快实现工业化和现代化的必然选择。档案信息化建设是社会发展对档案工作的迫切要求,也是档案事业自身发展的决定性因素,信息化建设的步伐快慢,将直接关糸到档案事业发展兴衰成败。本刊现专辟全新栏目《档案信息化笔谈》旨在为档案信息化建设摇旗呐喊。此类文章过去亦有发表,这里刊出7篇系列文章,其中“信息资源建设:档案馆数字化的主体”和“数字档案馆建设的困难与出路”2篇,从国情出发,对教字档案馆的建进行了理论探索;“网络环境下档案编研定位的思考”就网络环境下档案编研的服务理念、服务方式和时代赐予档案编研的机遇等进行了分析;“国家档案信息政策研究在北美”一文为我们展示了美国和加拿大两国的档案信息政策概貌:“对全国200家档案网站的抽样分析”则针对时弊,提出了我国档案网站的网址规范性问题等等,这些文章无疑对广大读者进行档案信息化建设探讨和实践都大有裨益。 Informationization is the inevitable choice for our country to speed up industrialization and modernization. The construction of archives informatization is an urgent requirement of archives work for social development and also a decisive factor for the development of archives. The pace of informatization construction will be directly related to the success or failure of archival career development. The magazine shows a new column “archives information of writing” aims to file information construction shake-flag cry. In the past, there were also seven articles published in this series, including 2 articles on “Information Resources Construction: The Main Body of Archives’ Digitalization” and “The Difficult and Outward Way for Digital Archives Construction”. Starting from the national conditions, The construction of the museum has been theoretically probed. The “Reflection on the Compilation and Research of Archives in the Network Environment” has analyzed the service concept and service mode of file compilation and research in the network environment as well as the opportunities for archival editing and research provided by the times. The “National Archives Information Policy Research in North America, ”an article that shows us profiles of the U.S. and Canadian archives information policies:“ A sample analysis of 200 archival websites across the country ”is aimed at tackling the current problems and proposing the normative issues on the websites of archives in our country. These articles Undoubtedly, it is of great help to our readers to discuss and practice archives information construction.
本文探讨利用转变器来实现FDNC和FDNR的可能性,并进行了实验。对于文中新提出的接地与浮地的FDNC和FDNR的几种实现方案给出了理论证明。 This article explores the possibi