Some considerations on the physical mea-sure of seismic intensity

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanweitao610
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The study on seismic intensity can be traced prior to the time that modern seismology was established. In its early stage the seismic intensity was designed to serve as a measure in scaling the severity of earthquake damage to civil engineering and environmental structures. Also the seismic intensity is usually assigned by engineers and seis- mologists with one or two characteristic parameters of earthquake ground motions to reflect earthquake damage potential so as to be able to serve as an input earthquake load for seismic design of structures. So choosing a proper parameter to reflect the action of seismic intensity is the main objective of the research on physical measure of seismic intensity. However, since various kinds of structures have quite different damage mechanisms there will exist great differences in damages to different structures located at the same area during the same earthquake. Par- ticularly, In some cases, quite different damages have happened even to the structures of same kind due to many other factors such as different construction materials, different configurations or on the different types of sites where structures located. In addition, the ground motion parameters, which result in damage to structures, are not the single peak value of ground motion. Hence, this paper emphasizes that the research on new physical measure of seismic intensity should not only consider the structural characteristics but also take into account other parame- ters such as duration, energy of ground motion and so on. In particular, as the physical measures of intensity, dif- ferent ground motion parameter should be adopted for different structures. The study on seismic intensity can be traced prior to the time that that modern seismology was established. Also its early stage the seismic seismology was designed to serve as a measure in scaling the severity of earthquake damage to civil engineering and environmental structures. Also the seismic intensity is usually assigned by engineers and seis- mologists with one or two characteristic parameters of earthquake ground motions to reflect earthquake damage potential so as to be able to serve as an input earthquake load for seismic design of structures. So choosing a proper parameter to reflect the action of seismic intensity is the main objective of the research on physical measure of seismic intensity. However, since various kinds of structures have quite different damage mechanisms there will exist great differences in damages to different structures located at the same area during the same earthquake. Par- ticularly, In some cases, quite different damages have happened even to the structu res of same kind due to many other factors such as different construction materials, different configurations or on the different types of sites where structures located. ground motion. Therefore, this paper emphasizes that the research on new physical measure of seismic intensity should not only consider the structural characteristics but also take account other parame- ters such as duration, energy of ground motion and so on. the physical measures of intensity, dif- ferent ground motion parameter should be adopted for different structures.
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