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目的:了解西昌市农村留守学生掌握青春期生理知识的情况及其心理状态,探索为农村留守学生进行青春期健康教育的最佳方法。方法:采用随机分层整群抽样法对西昌市农村地区4所初级中学、3所小学的农村留守学生进行一对一的问卷调查。结果:调查结果显示,西昌市农村留守学生在青春期健康知识及性生理知识的掌握度、青春期心理、性心理方面存在诸多问题、盲点和误区。结论:西昌市农村留守学生接受的青春期健康教育有所缺失,其在青春期心理、行为等方面存在严重的问题。有关部门必须充分重视西昌市农村留守学生的青春期健康教育工作,加强对其进行青春期健康教育的力度。 Objective: To understand the situation that the left-behind students in rural areas of Xichang City have the knowledge of adolescence and their psychological status, and explore the best way to educate their left-behind students in adolescent health education. Methods: Random stratified cluster sampling method was used to conduct a one-to-one questionnaire survey among left behind students from 4 junior high schools and 3 primary schools in rural Xichang. Results: The survey results show that there are many problems, blind spots and misunderstandings in the mastership, adolescent psychology and sexual psychology of left-behind students in rural areas in Xichang City. Conclusion: There is a lack of adolescent health education for rural left-behind students in Xichang City, which poses serious problems in adolescent psychology and behavior. Relevant departments must give full attention to adolescent health education for rural left-behind students in Xichang City and step up their efforts in adolescent health education.
一、缘起恢复高考制度 2 3年 ,中国教育为社会建设培养了大批人才 ,并逐渐形成以考试为中心的应试教育体制。世纪末 ,应试教育的弊端暴露出来 ,主要是教学偏重知识 ;教师讲、
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