获得大量孢子果后,如何提高出苗率、成苗率和促进实生苗快长,是红萍有性繁殖的重要技术问题。1980年我们进行了这方面的试验,现将初步结果报导如下。 一、实生苗的营养条件 1.缺素对实生苗生长的影响 试验采用Knop培养液稀释6倍,另加Nitsch微量元素的各缺素溶液。供试实生苗均?
After obtaining a large number of spore fruit, how to improve the emergence rate, seedling rate and promote the growth of seedlings faster and longer, is an important technical issue of sexual reproduction. We conducted this experiment in 1980, and the preliminary results are reported below. First, the nutritional conditions of seedlings 1. The impact of deficiency on the growth of seedlings The test was diluted 6 times with Knop medium, plus the various Nitsch trace elements of the solution. Test for seedlings are?