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各位代表、各位同志:我们这次大会,除了根据张邦英副主席的报告,做了决议以外,又有西北军政委员会彭主席和习、张副主席,以及省政府张、韩副主席和其他各位同志,都给我们做了许多的指示;刚才马主席又把这次大会的精神综合起来给我们做了报告,这些问题就是决定了我们全陕西省今后展开农村各种民主改革运动有关方面的问题;也就是我们要做好农村中各项工作里边的好办法。因此我在这里,代表省农协委员会,表示我们要坚决根据大会的精神,有计划有步骤的把它贯彻下去;完成我们这次大会的决定和同志们的要求,这也就是我们每一个代表都应该做好的事情。我们在座的四百几十位代表都是我们全省一千多万农民所选举出来的优秀份子。今天选举出来的四十几位委员,更是我们全省的优秀份子。有的是做过许多年农民运动,农村工作经验很丰富。因此我们一定有信心,能够坚决的把这次大会的精神贯彻下去。我希望各位代表,把大会的精神 Dear Delegates, Comrades, In addition to making a resolution on the basis of Vice Chairman Zhang Bangying’s report, our assembly also includes the Chairman and Xi and Vice-Chairman of the Northwest Military and Political Committee and the Vice-Chairman Zhang and Han of the provincial government and others Comrades made a lot of instructions to us. Madam Ma also made a comprehensive report on the spirit of this conference, which has determined the problems we are going to carry out in Shaanxi’s various democratic reforms in the future. It is also a good way for us to do a good job of all kinds of work in the countryside. So here I am, on behalf of the Committee of Provincial Peasants and Associations, saying that we must resolutely carry out this plan in accordance with the spirit of the congress, implement the decisions of our congress and the demands of our comrades, that is, every one of us All things should be done. The 400 or so representatives here are the outstanding members elected by more than 10 million peasants in our province. The forty members elected today are even more outstanding members of our province. Some have done peasant movements for many years and have rich experience in rural work. Therefore, we must have the confidence to firmly carry out the spirit of this conference. I hope all delegates will put the spirit of the General Assembly