俄罗斯的伏特加象苏格兰的威士忌,捷克的啤酒和法国的葡萄酒一样,在世界酒文化中占有重要地位。 “伏特加”一词在俄语中本是“水”的指小表爱形式,意为——宝贵的水,晶莹的水,清澈的水。正是由于俄罗斯伏特加酒质纯净,酒体晶莹透明,象清澈纯洁的天然泉水一样,人们才赋予它之美称。从科学角度讲,伏特加化学成分纯粹、简单而又神秘,与成分纯粹、简单而又神秘的水一样,这使得伏特加酒与人类生命之源的水成为俄语中两个语义内涵密切相关的词汇。事实上,“伏特加”作为俄罗斯正宗酒
Russia’s vodka, like the Scotch whiskey, Czech beer and French wine, occupies an important place in the world of wine culture. The word “vodka” in Russian is a small form of love that means “water”, meaning - precious water, crystal water, clear water. It is precisely because of the Russian vodka pure quality, crystal clear crystal, like a pure natural spring, people just give it the reputation. From a scientific point of view, the chemical composition of vodka is pure, simple and mysterious, just like pure, simple and mysterious water, making vodka and water, the source of human life, a closely related word in two semantic meanings in Russian. In fact, “vodka ” as a Russian authentic wine