“色胜金衣美,甘愈玉液清”。古诗这样赞颂柿子。农谚曰:“七月枣,八月梨,九月柿子红了皮”。 金风玉露,柿子熟了,挂满枝头,格外诱人。黄橙橙的大盖柿,红艳艳的火晶柿,硬的、软的、脆的、绵的,使人心中充满了一种美不胜收的丰收喜悦。 柿子在我国已有3000多年的历史,品种也有240多个。著名的有华北的大盖柿,山东青岛的金瓶柿,陕西富平的鸡心柿、临潼的火晶柿,甘肃文县的贾昌柿,贵州湄潭的大花柿,杭州的铜盆柿,福建永太的红心柿等等。 “秋令进补首推柿”。柿子香甜可口,营养丰富。柿子除含有大量的糖类、维生素C外,还含胡萝卜素、维
“The color wins the gold clothes beauty, Gan Yuyu liquid clear.” Ancient poetry praised Persimmon. Agricultural proverb said: “July jujube, August pear, September persimmon red skin.” Jinyuanyulu, persimmon cooked, covered with branches, especially attractive. Yellow orange over large persimmon persimmon, red bright fire persimmon, hard, soft, crisp, cotton, people heart full of a beautiful harvest joy. Persimmon in our country has 3,000 years of history, there are more than 240 species. Famous in North China over large persimmon, gold persimmon in Qingdao, Shandong Province, Fujian Fuping chicken heart persimmon, Lv Tong fire crystal persimmon, Gansu Wenxian Jia persimmon, Guizhou Meitan marsh persimmon, Hangzhou copper persimmon, Fujian Yong heart red persimmon and so on. “Autumn tonic tonic persimmon.” Persimmon sweet and delicious, nutritious. In addition to a large number of persimmons sugar, vitamin C, but also contain carotene, Victoria