Acrobatic “miscellaneous” would have contained a variety of mixed and mixed meaning, and only by combining this diverse organic and artistic, can be called a skill and skill, rather than a simple meaning of technology. Acrobats from the market to the stage, from “street stalls” street buskers to become today’s respected acrobats, acrobatic status has undergone fundamental changes; acrobatics itself is constantly in the category of reference and practice, gradually mature and Trend of integration, artistic. In fact, the so-called integration, art, are the mainstay of the human program characteristics play a transforming role. For example, pots, bowls, scoops, pots, in daily life, probably in addition to the master kitchen, there is no ordinary people can play with them as a fun and enjoy it. But on the stage, once the actress in the hands of the “happy cook” props, they are as flexible, cleverly or as or as if transformed, or dance, When it is simply a wonderful, beautiful magic art, mesmerizing, relaxed and happy. Just as the characteristics of a novel come from living above life, acrobatics comes from this