The survey of Inferiority Complex in English Learning of Studentsfrom Rural Areas

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  Abstract:This paper seizing the current situation and advancessome non-expanding countermeasures. This paper raise some countermeasures,Itincluding:correcting the incorrect motivations,coordinating the relationship betweenteachers and students,developing student's interested in English learning,increasingstudents'self-confidence and fostering students'strong will and so on.
  Key Words:students from rural areas,inferiority complex,English learning,countermeasures
  1 Introduction
  In the 21 century,learning English well is of realistic and far-reaching historic significance to Chinese. At present,more and more Chinese are aware of essentiality of learning English,but the actuality of English teaching does not satisfy the needs of China economic construction and social development. There still exists agap between the actuality and the requirements of the fast developing age. This makes it necessary to consider the existing problems in the process of English teaching and learning.
  2. Countermeasures to Inferiority Complex in English Learning of
  Students from Rural Areas
  First,the learning of English is governed by the learning motivation. Only whenthe students have correct motivations,can they learn English well. To correct highmool students'motivations means leading them to find their clear aims of English learning and do well in English can improve teachers good image in students heart. They will feel the English teacher is friendly and believable. To establish mutualrespect,equal and democratic environment is another important way for Englishteachers to harmonize relationship between teachers and students. Students from ruralarea are characterized by some obvious features of adolescents including the growingawareness of themselves,strong requirement of viewing them as adults. So in theteaching process,English teachers should respect students in their characters or theirdiction that they obey some principles and rules. In such ademocratic environment,students can learn English more happily and efficiently.
  Second,Pay more attention to student's needs of emotion and emphasis oncultivating students' psychological quality well. The two most important factorsinfluencing English learning is affect and mother tonic ally affect. For the teachers should know individual students own characteristic traits and needs of affectduring the teaching,and they should give every student affirmation commendation andencouragement that would make students confident and enable them to surmount anxious feeling,removes emotion and other factors. Teacher should love his careerand students:talk with students imitatively:help them settle their learning problems inorder to make them trust themselves. The candid and free communication between teachers and students is better for their learning enthusiasm and confidenceespecially,students from rural areas should be confident,independent,strong, have self-esteem during their life. Meanwhile they should know that they not onlyacquire knowledge and skills,but also change their development according toeducation and self-cultivation.   Third,to cultivate country students'interests in English learning,taking livelyand various teaching methods in English class should be considered first. A baldteaching method is disgusting no matter how charming it is. So English teachersshould improve teaching method continually and get rid of the cramming method ofteaching. Also the teacher should connect the teaching contents with realistic life. Ifstudents can talk about the daily things around themselves in English,they will feelEnglish is very useful so that they will be more interested in English learning. Thiscan not only increasestudents'knowledge but also cultivate students'interest inEnglish learning
  Atlast,self-confidence plays an important role in English learning. Thestudents who have great self-confidence can often try their best to overcomedifficulties In their learning,they are not afraid of making mistakes,and they do notfeel depressed because of making mistakes. But most of students from rural area arelack of self-confidence. So the English teachers should take measured of encouraging
  Such as,the methods of rewarding,the students who often get praise from theirteachers have confidence and make progress quickIf teacher always students when make mistake. The students will become dumb and eccentric. In thispunishsituation,good attitude towards them should be teaches in order to overcome thedifficulties. It requires teachers to lead them to face them rightly,they can have strongself-confidence settle them and make a great progress in English progress in English learning,
  [1]  Robert V. Kail Rita Wicks-nelson. Developmental psychology [M. AmericaPurdue university press,1993
  [2]  http://wwwanswercom/library/wikopedia-cid-=4639065(accessedoct21.2008
摘 要:小学班主任要负责班级的德育工作,让学生在学校生活中也能够养成良好的品德,并使学生形成优秀的道德素养。因此,作为小学班主任,教师应当从德育工作的开展方法这一角度思考如何展开德育工作。本文主要从开展德育实践活动、树立优秀教师榜样、塑造德育故事精神等方面讨论小学班主任德育工作的方式。  关键词:小学班主任;德育工作;教学方式  在小学教学中,不仅要对学生的文化知识进行培养,还要对学生的道德品质进
设计说明:  装饰画《欲望深渊》  作品中用枯树枝来产生联系整个构图,繁茂的枯树枝就像人的欲望,是无穷尽的,蛇的形象是冰冷、吃人的代表,潛伏在嘴里伺机而动。树枝不停地往前伸的样子就像人们明知道前面是一张吃人的妖怪也要向前走。图中四个眼睛四目相对,就像现代人眼前只有欲望和贪婪,可是当你凝望深渊时,深渊也在凝望你。  作者简介:王梓鸿(2001.8.25~),男,汉族,广东广州人,广州工商学院美术设计
摘 要:受自身心理特征、认知水平、思维能力等因素的影响,学生很难在一节课中集中注意力,认真学习。如何提高教学效果成为教师普遍的难题,对此,笔者在小学数学中融入了情境教学法。本文阐释了情境教学法的概述,深入分析当前其在小学数学课堂上的应用现状,最后为构建情境教学模式,提出一些具有可行性的有效策略,供其他教师参考。  关键词:情景教学;小学数学;策略  数学是一门具有逻辑性和科学性的基础学科,在人才培
摘 要:素质教育背景下,体育课程的地位得提升,教学投入逐渐加大,课时增加,质量提升,发展前途大好。在这样的大背景下,教师们应打起精神,端正态度,履行教学职责,发挥自身素养,做好小学体育教学工作,探索有效的教学方法,也是本文即将探究的话题。  关键词:小学体育课程;教学方法;教学探究  小学体育课程的目的是学习体育知识,掌握体育技巧,提升身体素养,培育体育精神等等,让学生身心健康的迎接未来的学习与生
摘 要:小学是九年义务教育的起始环节,学生的平均年龄偏低,心理素质不够成熟,认知较为浅薄,在数学知识学习过程中,往往无法有效地集中注意力,自我控制能力较差。因此,教师应对学生进行积极的正确的引导,培养学生的学习习惯。而课前预习习惯作为对学生影响较为深远的习惯之一,更是应该受到重点的关注。因此,本文针对这个课题展开研究。  关键词:小学数学;学生预习习惯;培养策略  引言:  预习即在正式学习之前的
摘 要:做孩子的伙伴是小学班主任的最高管理境界,也是小学班主任能够实现自身价值的重要保障。作为奋战在小学班级管理工作一线的教育工作者,我们想要成为值得孩子信赖和喜欢的伙伴,就必须在班级管理中尊重孩子,给予孩子展现自我的时机;理解孩子,给予孩子更多的鼓励肯定;关爱孩子,给予孩子更多的积极能量。  关键词:孩子;班级管理;班主任;具体策略  小学班级管理工作的高效率实施对孩子的学习和成长具有极为重要的
摘 要:教育发展的关键之处,是在于教师的课堂教学能力。素质教育的改革发展,对于课程的要求也发生了诸多的改变,体育课也不例外。一直以来,体育课似乎相对于语数英等科目来说,显得不太受重视。但是,作为强身健体的体育课程是最不能忽视的。因此,笔者从中职学校体育课堂教学过程存在的问题为切入点,提出四项有效提升课堂教学的策略,以及三项应该注意的问题,期以对中职学校体育课堂教学有所帮助。  关键词:中职学校;体
“种一棵树,最好的时间是十年前,其次是现在。”树的成长如此,人亦然,哪怕现在只是一粒种子,只要从现在开始用“成长型思维”汲取养分,亦能茁壮成长,这是成长的态度;而在枝繁叶茂的同时洒下一片荫凉,这是成长的标准。  有了成长的态度,才能去追随成长的标准。“成长型思维”与“固定型思维”相对,这两个概念由斯坦福大学行为心理学教授卡罗尔·德韦提出。成长型思维者认为人的能力、智力是可以拓展的,换而言之,他们将
摘 要:随着教育事业的不断推进,将信息技术运用于现代小学语文课堂中,能够让语文课堂变得摇曳生姿、趣味横生,最大程度的满足学生的学习需求。本文主要分析了教育信息化视域下小学语文课堂教学的探索与实践,以期能够提升我国教育信息化水平。  关键词:教育信息化;小学;语文课堂;教学;探索实践  教育信息化背景下,将信息技术运用到语文课堂中,能够有效提升课堂教学水平,对教学模式和教学理念进行有效的转变。因此教
一、利用绘画课加强德育  在上《画祖国的古建筑)一课时,我先引导学生回想自己所见过的具有民族特色的中国古建筑,并口头简单地阐述古建筑的外形特征及其色彩。在同学们争先恐后地回答后,我再进行总结归纳,使学生懂得我国行那么多优秀的、令人引以为荣的古建筑,都是出自我国劳动人民之手,他们用无穷的智慧和勤劳的双手,付出了大量的血汗才建造这些令全世界引人瞩目的古建筑。我们应为能生长在这个具有悠久历史的文明古国一