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根据党的十五大关于推进机构改革的精神和党中央的总体部署,中央直接管理的21个群众团体机关机构改革已经开始。按此要求,中国职工政研会机关机构改革也已起步。 前不久,中央下发了经政治局常委会议讨论决定的《21个群众团体机关机构改革意见》,中央机构编制委员会办公室召开会议,对包括全国总工会、团中央、全国妇联和中国职工政研会在内的21个群众团体机关机构改革工作专门进行了部署。 According to the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress on promoting institutional reforms and the overall deployment of the party Central Committee, the reform of the organs and agencies of the 21 mass organizations directly under the Central Government has begun. According to this request, the reform of the organs and agencies of the China’s Workers’ Political Research Institute has also started. Not long ago, the Central Committee issued the Opinions on the Reform of the Organs and Organizations of 21 Mass Organizations, which was discussed and decided by the Politburo Standing Committee, and the office of the Central Organization Compilation Committee held a meeting to discuss the reform of the system including the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the CYL Central Committee, the All- The 21 mass organizations, including the organs, will carry out the work of reforming their organs and agencies.
偏向于城市建筑的作家,动情于哲学思考的工程师。  不久前发生的两件事都透视出了人们对生命的漠视。母亲节前夕,儿子埋葬未咽气的母亲,母亲被人从土里扒出后还担心儿子被判重刑;北京市丰台区某小区内,因一辆轿车被鸟屎弄脏,清洁人员就把该小区所有的鸟巢统统拆掉。  在前一个事件中,没有人性的儿子,埋葬自己的母亲,也许是让自己的生活质量更好些,也许是不堪照顾母亲的痛苦,也许是心中有这样丑恶的想法,终于找准了时