托马斯·赫尔佐格的建筑中所蕴含的,正是现代建筑长期以来被人们所认可的东西。——彼得·布赫安南(Peter Buchanan)哈佛大学教授、建筑史学家、建筑评论家可持续建筑是建筑设计的必然趋势,也是建筑设计领域趋于成熟的表现,而可持续建筑之路走向何处是我们必须关注并高度重视的问题。托马斯·赫尔佐格教授所设计的作品,无论是小型住宅还是大型展厅,都出色地体现了生态理念。
The implication of Thomas Herzog’s architecture is exactly what modern architecture has long been recognized by people. - Peter Buchanan Professor at Harvard University, Architectural Historian and Architectural Criticist Sustainable architecture is an inevitable trend in architectural design. It is also a manifestation of the maturity of architecture, and what is the road to sustainable architecture? It is a problem that we must pay attention to and attach great importance to. The works designed by Professor Thomas Herzog, both small residences and large exhibition halls, exemplify the concept of ecology.