曾建和,江西万安县公安局夏造派出所一位普普通通的民警。在马年即将离去的时候,因劳累引发的重症肝炎过早地夺去了他年仅33岁的生命。噩耗传来,全局上下无不悲痛万分,他生前的战友、亲朋和辖区群众数以百计地自发来到他的家中吊唁慰问。人们在扼腕痛惜中,缅怀起这位平日言语不多、埋头工作的高个民警,他点点滴滴的感人事迹开始广为传唱,一次次震撼着活着的灵魂,让人简直无法相信身边竟有一位这么好的民警说走就走了。 “惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁。人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”。这是南宋民族英雄文天祥著名的诗句,诗中写的惶恐滩,是指赣江在万安境内的一个险滩,如今这里已建成全国闻名的万安水电站。站在惶恐滩头,高山肃穆,江水呜咽,仿佛在诉说着曾建和丹心照人的一个个动人故事……
Zeng Jianhe, Jiangxi Wanan County Public Security Bureau summer made a police station an ordinary police. As the horse year is about to leave, the severe hepatitis caused by exertion prematurely claimed his 33-year-old life. The sad news came that the overall situation was extremely tragic. In his lifetime, his comrades, relatives and friends and hundreds of local residents spontaneously came to condolences to his home. People in sorrow pity pray, recalling the usual few words, buried in the work of high police, his bit by bit touching deeds began to widely sung, again and again shook the living soul, people simply can not believe there is a Such a good police said leaving. “Fear of the beach fear terrified, Ling Ding Ling Ding Ling Ding life ever since no death, taking Dan heart according to history.” This is a well-known poem of the Southern Song Dynasty national hero Wen Tianxiang. The poignant beach written in the poem refers to a rapacious bank in Gan’an in Gan’an. Now it has a well-known Wan’an hydropower station in the country. Standing on the beach of panic, solemn silence, river sobs, as if to tell Zeng Jian and Dan Xinzhe according to a moving story ... ...